Video Tutorial Series

5-Minute 5 to 15 Minute Episodes for your 

☕️ Coffee Break  ☕️

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Welcome

Chapter 2 - Installing PySWMM

2.0 - Introduction

2.1 - Review of the Documentation

2.1.1 - Installing PySWMM on Windows (IDLE/PIP)

2.1.2 - Installing PySWMM on Ubuntu/Linux (IDLE/PIP)

2.1.3 - Installing PySWMM on MacOS (IDLE/PIP)

2.2.1 - Using Python Virtual Environments

Chapter 3 - Running a Model and Extract Basics

3.1 - Running a model and Extracting Basics

This session will also provide a more detailed review, using an example model, of the documentation as pertaining to Nodes, Links, Subcatchments, and Simulation options to introduce to the user where to find things in the documentation. .. Ok this video is actually 12 minutes so prepare 2 coffees! Geez, everybody is a critic!

3.2 - Discussing sim.step_advance()

Chapter 4 - Extracting Results and Plotting

4.1 - Basic example of results extraction and the use of a plotter

This lesson will provide guidance on scraping time series data out of a running simulation and Extracting results out of the binary OUT file!  And yes.. it's even longer than 5 minutes... it's a whopping 15 mins!!! Three cups of coffee!!!

4.2 - Basic Example using swmmio to plot Interactive Map-Based results

4.3 - Basic Example of plotting a sewer profile with results

4.4 - Basic example of extracting totalized results from a model while running or after

4.5 - Examples for extracting water quality data

4.6 - Provide examples on extracting LID results

Chapter 5 - Generated Inflow

5.1 - A demonstration of how to inject flow at a node

5.2 - A demonstration of setting rain gauge rainfall rates

Chapter 6 - Controllable Assets

Chapter 7 - Advanced Tools / Toolboxes

7.1 - PySWMM Callbacks!

7.2 - PyStorm Features ( 

7.3 - StormReactor with PySWMM

Chapter 8 - How to Contribute to Open Source

8.1 - A video that shows how to contribute to open source SWMM/PySWMM